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从光影中感受野生动物之美 | “绿色星球某一天”FIAP野生动物摄影主题展摄影佳作欣赏

来源: 意大利侨网  日期:2024-10-11 11:32:37 



  Ramphastos toco, Arctic fox, Ovis musimon...What beautiful, vigorous, alert and cute gestures are these wild animals showing in the lens of professional photographers? At 2024 FIAP World Photography Congress, "One Day On the Green Planet" FIAP wildlife photography theme exhibition will give you the answer. The exhibition is selected from the works of 184 photographers from 30 countries around the world, and will be exhibited in Lishui Photography Culture Center. In addition, these works have also been exihited in Lishui Photography Park (formerly Lishui Oil Pump Factory), allowing the appreciation of biological diversity of the earth and the harmonious home of the green planet. The exhibition is held from October 9 to October 15.

《满足的猫头鹰》 蒂姆·索耶(英国) Contented Owl / Tim Sawyer(UK)

《亲吻》 金加·金蒂·卡尔文(匈牙利) Kiss / Kinga Gyenti-Kalvin (Hungary)

《金喉拟啄木鸟》 阮道德(越南) NUOI CON / Nguyen Dao Duc (Vietnam)

《黄金一跃》 本尼夫·维维尔(南非) Golden Jump / Benniw Vivier (South Africa)

《梅花鹿》 苏珊·卡特(威尔士) Sika Deer / Susan Carter (Wales)

《北极狐》 蒂博尔·科尔茨(匈牙利) Arctic Fox / Tibor Kercz (Hungary)

《蝴蝶爱人》 凯南·赫德尼斯(塞浦路斯) Butterfly Lover / Kenan Hurdeniz (Cyprus)

《打斗》 蒂博尔·科尔茨(匈牙利) Battle / Tibor Kercz (Hungary)


