辛鸣:中国共产党 大有大的样子

时间:2020-08-14 09:41:56来源: 意大利侨网

主讲人:辛鸣 中共中央党校教授 

Guest Speaker: Xin Ming (Professor of the Party School of the Central Committee of CPC)


Xin Ming: Great and strong, the Communist Party of China is showing its might.


When the Party begins to celebrate its 98 birthday, people begin to ask why the CPC has been in power for 70 years?


Xin Ming: The CPC is ready and able to do anything that any other partiesor organizationsin the world are unwilling and unable to do.


Xin Ming: To explore an even brighter future for humankind and to construct a better social system, the CPC will shoulder its shared responsibilities and present its great international image.


Professor Xin Ming, from the Party School of the Central Committee of CPC, will explain for us the logic of the CPC.