
时间:2021-07-22 11:39:02来源: 意大利侨网

      中新网北京7月21日电(蒋鲤) 截至7月21日下午3时,超过400万中国网民发起联署倡议,一起向世界卫生组织呼吁,让包括中国科学家在内的、独立于美国地缘政治影响的国家的病毒学家、实验室安全专家、生化武器专家,调查美国德特里克堡实验室。





Three questions for the U.S. to address regarding furtive Fort Detrick

By John Lee

(ECNS) -- More than four million Chinese netizens have signed a joint letter as of 3 p.m. Wednesday, demanding the World Health Organization (WHO) to send virologists, laboratory safety experts and biochemical specialists independent of geopolitics influence of the U.S. to investigate the Fort Detrick lab.

The joint signing points to unanswered questions of wide concern. In July 2019, an unexplained respiratory disease appeared in northern Virginia, while a large-scale e-cigarette disease broke out in Wisconsin. These patients shared similar symptoms with those confirmed carrying COVID-19. Coincidentally, the Fort Detrick lab was suddenly shut down in the same month by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for "national security reasons", with the department refusing to release more information since.

It's natural for people to link the e-cigarette disease with COVID-19 due to the lab’s closure and national attitude. Fort Detrick was dubbed "the center of the U.S. government’s darkest experiments" by Politico Magazine. Lab specimens of anthrax spores, the Ebola virus and other deadly pathogens disappeared from the lab in the early 1990s. Though the U.S. is trying to figure out the origin of COVID-19, why is it keeping silent on Fort Detrick? Is there something the U.S. is trying to hide?

The U.S. has been targeting China since the pandemic outbreak. It has not only questioned the conclusion drawn by WHO experts, but also ordered U.S. intelligence to look into the origin of the virus, hyping the "lab-leak" theory. People can't help asking, is this a distractive move?

While Wuhan Institute of Virology has opened its doors to the WHO and foreign media in order to support COVID-19 origin tracing, Fort Detrick has avoided all probes. What is the U.S. afraid of?