
时间:2023-11-08 06:37:22来源: 意大利侨网

【点击文字进入中新网视频页面】据外交部消息,澳大利亚总理阿尔巴尼斯于11月4日至7日访华。这是阿尔巴尼斯就任总理以来首次访问中国,也是自2016年以来澳大利亚总理首次访华。中新网就此独家专访澳大利亚经济学家、新南威尔士大学商学院经济研究员、南澳大利亚政府国际参与顾问蒂姆·哈考特(Tim Harcourt)。


Insights丨Australian economist: Australia-China economic cooperation generates mutual beneficial outcomes Australia's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese started the first visit to China by an Australian prime minister since 2016 on Nov. 4. China News Network talked to Tim Harcourt, an Australian economist who is the J.W. Nevile Fellow in economics at the UNSW Business School, and an advisor to the Government of South Australia on international engagement, to share his insights.   

Tim Harcourt considered Albanese’s visit to China significant, and is partly to stabilize and normalize the bilateral relationship after two years of a bumpy ride. In addition, Harcourt said both countries have mutual interests in the transition to the green energy and international issues, and both need each other in the international trade system.