
时间:2022-02-03 11:10:00来源: 纽约在线


    纽约时报广场大屏幕上滚动播出首先出现的是联合国秘书长、第76届大会主席向全球亚裔祝贺新春及祝福北京2022冬奥会成功举办的镜头。还有联合国经社理事会主席Collen Vixen Kelapile、第74届联合国大会主席Muhammad Bande,他们在纽约联合国总部敲响了迎新年的“世界和谐金钟”,祝全球亚裔与华人“新年快乐!平安健康!”同时预祝2022年北京冬奥会圆满成功的视频画面!
    美国民主党著名的众议员、纽约州长竞选人Tom Suozzi:说“在虎年即将到来之际,祝福亚裔与华人朋友身体健康,事业兴旺成功!并预祝2022冬奥会成功举行!美国东部民主党首位华裔女议员孟昭文代表国会亚裔委员会,向亚裔及华人的虎年祝福。此外,华盛顿州副州长Denny Heck代表州政府,向全球亚裔及华人致以温馨的祝福。华盛顿州贝尔维尤市市长林恩·罗宾逊和副市长Jared Nieuwenhuia,分别祝愿所有欢度农历新年的亚裔及华人居民:“新年快乐,恭喜发财!”他说:“北京冬奥会恰逢中国农历新年,他们代表贝尔维尤市预祝北京冬奥会圆满成功!”

    华盛顿州西雅图港务局专员(局长)Toshiko Hasegawa,借此特向全球华人及亚州血统的朋友们,致以农历新年的节日问候!她非常期待农历春节期间开幕的北京冬奥会,相信届时一定展示出全球最优秀的冰雪运动员的体育技能与水平,成为最精彩的一届冬奥会。
    不仅如此,华盛顿州Burien市长Jimmy Matta在参加华人迎冬奥会的活动后激动的表示:我很高兴参加今天的预祝北京冬奥会活动,我相信北京冬奥会一定会成功,让我们一起祝福2022北京冬奥会举办成功!“在场参加者都被他的激情感染欢呼雀跃!


    同时2月2号-3号,在纽约时报广场的43街与纳斯达克遥遥相对、被称为世界的十字路口举办的活动现场中,Frank Liu(刘藩)与Nicole Edwards代表主办方久安电视国际传媒集团与世界和谐基金会,将和谐之声在世界媒体之都“时报广场敲响”,他们表示,第一声代表着和平,希望终止战争。第二声代表作和谐,希望各族裔团结。第三声代表作健康,尽快消除病毒。第四声代表作幸福,希望各国、世界亚裔与全球华人家庭幸福、虎年好运快乐!在现场的还有纽约长岛高二学生HarmonyLiu与小学生EireneLiu,与高中的华裔学生庄宝仪与潘伟烨同学穿作冬奥运吉祥物墩墩蓉蓉的卡通服装一起出现在现场,爱好和平的不同族裔的男女青年,他们穿作代表美国文化动漫的迪斯尼卡通服装“男孩、女孩米老鼠、艾尔莎、蜘蛛侠”等非常高兴的参加今天的迎新年活动。

《New York Times Square broadcasted"Ringing the Harmony Bell,Welcome Lunar New Year,Wishing Winter Olympics Success"countdown event,and greetings to Asian&Chinese people all over the world! 》

On the afternoon of January31,2022,the countdown to the Winter Olympics was broadcasted on the Disney screen43rd street screen in Times Square,New York,until February1,2022.The film showed many United Nations personalities and key U.S.dignitaries and cultural stars wishing for the New Year of the Tiger and the Winter Olympics.It is reported that this event is jointly organized by World Harmony Foundation and the Peaceever TV,and was broadcasted on the screen in Times Square,New York,with senior UN officials,US dignitaries and cultural celebrities wishing Asian people a happy Lunar New Year and success for the Beijing Winter Olympics,adding a festive touch to New York.

As Times Square,one of the world's most famous media and advertising capital,celebrates the Chinese New Year of the Tiger,a beautiful sight appears on the two prime view screens,the Disney screen(between45th and46th Streets)and the43rd Street corner screen:UN agencies,American politicians,singers and other international peace-loving celebrities congratulating Asians for Lunar New Year and sent their best wishes for the upcoming Beijing Winter Olympics.

The reporter noticed that the screen first broadcasted the video with the logo of the Winter Olympic Games and the theme of the Winter Olympic Games,"Together to the Future,"the skiers of the Winter Olympic Games,the World Harmony Bell,the logo of the World Harmony Foundation and the logo of Peaceever TV,and showed the Chinese spiritual theme of"Beijing Welcomes You"and"Community of Human Destiny"to the world.

On these screens,a video of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and President of the76th session of the General Assembly congratulated Asians around the world on the New Year and wished the Beijing2022Winter Olympic Games a success.In addition,the President of the United Nations Economic and Social Council,Collen Vixen Kelapile,and the President of the74th session of the United Nations General Assembly,Muhammad Bande,rang the"Golden Bell of World Harmony"to welcome the New Year at the United Nations Headquarters in New York,sending the message of"Happy New Year!Wishing you sustainable peace and security!”They also wished the2022Beijing Winter Olympic Games a great success.

American politicians have also wished the Asian community a good Lunar New Year.Tom Suozzi,a prominent U.S.Democratic Congressman and candidate for New York Governor,said an authentic Chinese phrase:“恭喜发财!(Wishing you prosperity and wealth!”)which brought him closer to the Asian and Chinese community.He said,"As a descendant of Italian-Americans,I appreciate the contributions of all Asians and Chinese for their hard work,education,helping families,developing businesses,and helping communities grow and make America a better place.As the Year of the Tiger approaches,I wish my Asian and Chinese friends good health and success in their endeavors!And I wish you a successful Winter Olympic Games!”

On behalf of the Congressional Committee on Asian Americans,Democratic Congresswoman Zhaowen Meng,the first prominent female legislator of Chinese descent in the eastern United States,extended her wishes as well.She is also the first legislator to propose to Congress to make Lunar New Year a legal holiday in the United States.In addition,Washington State Lieutenant Governor Denny Heck,on behalf of the state government,extended wishes to Asians around the world.Bellevue,Washington Mayor Lynne Robinson and Deputy Mayor Jared Nieuwenhuia said,"Happy New Year and wishing you prosperity and wealth!Beijing Winter Olympic Games coincide with the Chinese Lunar New Year.On behalf of the City of Bellevue,we wish the Beijing Winter Olympics success.”

Toshiko Hasegawa,Commissioner(Director)of the Port of Seattle,Washington,takes this opportunity to send Lunar New Year greetings to our people of Asian descent around the world.She is looking forward to the Beijing Winter Olympics,which will be held during the Lunar New Year.She is confident that the event will showcase the skills and abilities of the world's best snow and ice athletes and will be the most exciting Winter Olympic Games ever.Not only that,Jimmy Matta,Mayor of Burien,Washington,was very excited after participating in the“Chinese welcome Winter Olympics”event,saying,"We are very happy to participate in today's event to wish Beijing the Winter Olympics,and I believe that the Beijing Winter Olympics will be a success.”All the audience were infected by his passion and cheered.

The mayor of Denver,the former host of the Winter Olympics,expressed his best wishes to the Asian communities for the New Year and said with great enthusiasm,"We must bring the Winter Olympics back to Denver!"

As the Winter Olympics approaches,the United Nations General Assembly held a General Assembly specifically for this Winter Olympics.173countries unanimously adopted a resolution on the Winter Olympics Truce,advocating all UN member states to eliminate differences with dialogue,enhance knowledge,and replace confrontation with cooperation,demonstrating the international community's firm determination to achieve peace,unity,and solidarity,and to move together into the future.This is relevant to the current crisis-ridden regions such as Ukraine and the Korean Peninsula.

The countdown to the2022Winter Olympics in Times Square in New York City was organized by the World Harmony Foundation and Peaceever TV,who joined hands with the United Nations,U.S.dignitaries and celebrities to promote the"Community of Human Destiny"and make a call to the world for peacemaking,reflecting the grand spirit of the United Nations and the Olympics.

The"World Harmony Bell"ringing at the event was made by the World Harmony Foundation(WHF),an NGO of the United Nations Environment Programme.The bell was made from bullet casings donated by Chinese and American veterans and scrap brass and iron collected by Chinese and American students,symbolizing the transformation of conflict into peace,environmental protection,and greenery,and is loved by the United Nations.It was invited by the United Nations as a totem for the opening of the celebration on the60th anniversary of the United Nations.The first ringers of the Harmony Bell were Secretary-General Annan,the President of the General Assembly,and the President of the Security Council,followed by the two Presidents of Timor-Leste,and several prominent members of Congress of the United States ringing the Harmony Bell on Capitol Hill.The Harmony Bell was invited to the7th United Nations Global Forum in Vienna,Europe,and was also invited by the Olympic Organizing Committee to participate in the United Nations2008Olympic Games in Beijing,and to ring the Harmony Bell together with many champions.

The World Harmony Bell was last rung in November2021at the26th United Nations Climate Conference,where it sounded as a reminder of the planet's rising temperatures.On the Chinese New Year and the Beijing Winter Olympics,the President of the UN Economic and Social Council,and the President of the74th session of the UN General Assembly rang the Harmony Bell again for the"Lunar New Year and Winter Olympics".They both received the2022World Harmony Award for Outstanding Contribution to World Harmony,which was presented by Frank Liu,President of the World Harmony Foundation,and has been given to several former heads of state before.

At the same time as the Times Square Disney screen was rolling,the reporter saw an attractive scene in front of the screen:the Winter Olympics mascot,Bing Dwen Dwen and Shuey Rhon Rhon dancing with the music,attracting a large number of tourists who came up to take pictures with the mascot.The Beijing Winter Olympic Games mascots were brought to Times Square by the World Harmony Foundation,and for the first time,the image of the mascots were used to express the Chinese cultural atmosphere,reflecting the friendly spirit of celebrating the Lunar New Year of the Tiger together with people from all over the world.